
學童吃多垃圾食物 智商會降低

澳洲一份新近研究指出,兒童與青少年,長期食入大量的垃圾食物,不僅會變胖,就連認知力 (cognitive performance) 與智力等等,也會一同衰退。此研究來自澳洲 UWA and the Telethon Kids Institute,觀察六百多位青少年,所得出的結果。

青少年時期為大腦發育關鍵 垃圾食物養分不足

研究人員首先在青少年都還在 14 歲時,請他們填寫一份問卷,以此來統計這些青少年的飲食習慣,分為健康飲食與「西化飲食」,直到三年後,再進一步進行認知評估。

It was found that the participants with a western dietary pattern, characterized by high intakes of takeaway food, red and processed meat, soft drink, fried and refined food, scored lower in cognitive tasks, particularly those involving reaction time/psychomotor function, visual attention, learning and memory.


See also:

Can't stop eating junk food? Blame your BRAIN for allowing lapses in self-control

  • Taking a specific part of the brain 'offline' led to more cravings and snacking
  • Brain's 'dorsolateral prefrontal cortex' keeps knee jerk reactions in check
  • Previous studies found that boosting activity in this area reduces cravings
  • Exercise, avoiding alcohol good sleep strengthens the brain
  • Strengthening this area of the brain means people can overcome cravings 


【資料來源:中國醫藥大學附設醫院 衛教健康分享網


